8-Bit Cloud Native
The videogame for real 'cloud native' created for Kiratech.

The game
”8-Bit Cloud Native” is an advergame that we created for Kiratech. The video game is accessible free of charge from the customer's site and sees the protagonist user in a hyper-technological environment In which It must prove to be a real 'cloud native'. The challenge for the player to win is to fight the monsters of the old era thanks to the use of a protective shield. The player will have to protect himself from the fall of the monsters of the old era: Hardware, Mainframe, Application Silos, Virtual Machine, Spaghetti Code, Lasagna Code. In addition to defending himself, he must also recognize the elements of the new era to obtain points, such as Pod, Container, Docker, DevOpes, Kubernetes, Microservices. Finally, among the elements of the old and new era, The player must identify the 'bonus characters' including the 'Jenkis butler', the 'Tekton cat' and the 'GitHub cat', the 'AKIT dog' and the 'Krateo dog'.
”8-Bit Cloud Native” is a videogame born to support the customer's mission, Kiratech, an IT consulting company and sale of tools for the digitalization of companies. Through a fun video game, the user enters the IT world and gets involved.
Video Gameplay
Live the user experience within the video game. In the Gameplay Video you can see the START and the first phases of the video game. Enjoy!
Music and Sounds
Each video game has personalized music and sounds. Press the button and listen to the soundtrack of this video game.